Beth Molesworth, October Artist of the Month at Rountree Gallery

Purse by beth

Rountree Gallery announces the sponsored artist of the month as Beth Molesworth.  Her work will be on display at Clare Bank in Platteville from October 1st through October 31st.

My name is Beth Molesworth. I grew up on a farm near Cuba City, WI, lived in Texas and New Hampshire as well as Platteville, WI, and have recently moved back to the farm near Cuba City with my husband Mark and son Blaine.  I have been creating jewelry for about 9 years and have come to love the challenge of creating new and unique pieces.  My son once said to me “Mom, three of my teachers all had on the same necklace at school today!”.  That is one reason that I specialize in one-of-a-kind creations.

Wherever I travel, I am always on the lookout for unique beads. When in Jamaica, or the Florida Keys, I always visit with and buy from the local vendors. I use many types of beads including shell, crystal, glass, silver, gold, sharks teeth, etc.  One of the things I most enjoy about making jewelry is hearing a customer tell me they love the piece I created for them and they wear it all the time!  I am currently working with a bride to create wedding jewelry for her attendants. I create team colored pieces as well as many other types of custom creations too!