Industry Park Covenant Committee

Industry Park Covenant Committee – Meets as needed, at the request of the PAIDC Executive Director.

The Platteville Industry Park has adopted protective covenants to guide the development standards at the park.  The Covenant Committee meets to review development plans at the park and ensure that they meet the requirements of the protective covenants.  

Committee consists of 5 members - 3 landowners and 2 PAIDC members (until 50% of the land is sold and improved with buildings, then 4 landowners and 1 PAIDC member)

Committee Members
Name Phone Distinction
Tim Budden (608) 348-8815 Landowner
Jim Schneller (608) 348-3225 Landowner
Terry Dittman (608) 348-4005 Landowner
Thomas Geyer (608) 348-2615 PAIDC
Vacant   PAIDC
Barb Daus (608) 348-3365 Council Representative
Abby Haas (608) 348-3050 PAIDC Executive Director