Dupaco $25,000 takes Legion Park Event Center Fundraising Well Over $300,000!

Photo of check acceptance

The Legion Park Event Center (LPEC) committee is pleased to announce that Dupaco Credit Union has committed $25,000 to the new event center.  

Jo Roling, Dupaco Branch Manager and LPEC Committee member, noted:  “My family and I have attended many events at the old Art Hall and know there is a desperate need for a  new facility.  I was pleased to be asked to serve on this committee.  Dupaco is all about community and what better way to help out in Platteville than support for this new and much needed Event Center!”

Sheri Engelke, Chair Person of the Legion Park Event Center Committee, noted: “We are pleased to see Dupaco and all of our Platteville Banking community making such significant contributions.  A few donors have taken us over the $300,000 halfway mark now. We are looking forward to hundreds of our local residence and businesses to proactively vote with their checks within the next few weeks.  That will tell us if we can start early spring and have the grand opening on Dairy Days this year.

Now is the time for others to join in.  If you have questions, please call Vince Graney (732-0327) or Sheri Engelke (642-5485) to learn more.”

Donations of any size are important whether it is $10, $500, $100,000 or more; all are helpful.  1000 names on the entrance kiosk would send a great message about our community.  Those wishing to be a part of this effort may send checks to Inspiring Community, Inc. PO Box 503, Platteville, WI 53818 and note “Event Center” on memo line.